President Peter was away for most of August
Peter spend one-week solo before joining the other Rotarians from our District visiting Vancouver harbour city like Sydney but maybe a little busier.
A few days enjoying the sights followed by a train trip east across the prairies to Saskatchewan (Rotary district 5550)
The host clubs were Hudson Bay small town of 1500 people (Grain and Forestry)
The club has a good income from growing a grain crop (does anyone in Geelong have a few acres to donate to our club)?
Melfort Rotary club was next is a big grain growing area with a town of 6000 people the team had a visit to tillage tool factory and a great BBQ with the host club were the highlights.
The Rotary Club of Prince Albert on the Saskatchewan River was the next host and laid on a wonderful dinner for the visitors
The final highlight for Peter was the Brightest Light in the World at Saskatoon (Canada’s cyclotron)
There is a link with Melbourne with the plant manager being an Australian who spends 2weeks a month at the cyclotron in Melbourne.