On Sunday we had the lid sorting day at Aileen Browns home, thank you so much to the Browns for making us all so welcome in their lovely home.
Thanks to members Rick & Jan Berry, Telsa Stubna and her two beautiful grandchildren, plus, Andrea Patterson, Shirley Marendaz, Ian Aranyosi, and Daryll & Diane Webb
Aileen was officially crowned the Green Queen by Andrea Patterson on the day, as Aileen heads up all our Seventh area of Focus, Supporting the Environment. Always great to put fun in what we do.
At Tuesday night meeting we were fortunate to have Thomas Anderson from Replas join us. Recycling is high on the agenda for us all these days, so it was an informative presentation.
Speaking of recycling, the Replas garden bench that was our R100 grant project will be delivered to the McKellar centre this coming week and placed at the Palliative Care section of McKellar.
Thank you to Shirley Marendaz for organising the artwork and taking the time to make sure the branding was all correct with recognition to the 100 years of Rotary in Australia.
Now that restriction have eased a little, members of the team were to view the garden and see what needs to be done. Hopefully we will be able to start work after Christmas.