The members of the Fire Brigade gave an interesting insight into the history and the workings of the two truck fire Station.
The station is run entirely by volunteers and like all service clubs they are also struggling to attract new members.
New members must attend training and reach a level of certification prior to being able to ride on the fire trucks and attend emergencies.
The presentation was followed by a tour of the station, with many Rotarians eagerly going back to their childhood and gleefully climbing all over the Fire Engine. No one was backward in getting their photo taken on the engine either.
Some interesting facts:
When using a hose in the bush you must come out the way you went in otherwise you end up with the hose wrapped around trees etc. and creating a danger to yourself and others.
When using a hose in the bush you must come out the way you went in otherwise you end up with the hose wrapped around trees etc. and creating a danger to yourself and others.
With a house fire always back the truck in so in an emergency you can make a fast getaway.
Freshwater Creek Fire Brigade attend more Road Accidents then fires.
Pres Judy then made a presentation of a cheque to the value of $500.00 (raised by the Rotary Clubs of Bayside and Torquay at the annual cricket match) thanked the Fire Brigade for their presentation and subsequent tour.
We all then enjoyed supper provided by the fire brigade.