Four Speakers
JO WHITE — Barwon Health Volunteer Patient Transport
CAMERON PIKE — Youth Without Borders.
Pres. Judy presented a cheque to Cameron on behalf of the Club.
Cameron explained that Youth Without Borders is an international Not-For-Profit organisation supported worldwide by numerous philanthropic organisations including ROTARY INTERNATIONAL and partnerships with many industrial and manufacturing companies.
In Australia YWB is focused in introducing the concept of Tertiary Education as a possibility for advancement to disadvantaged secondary school students including those from rural, indigenous and refugee backgrounds.
In July this year they will hold their second annual SPARK ENGINEERING CAMP — a week of education and experimentation to inspire the invited children to work as a team and be interested in an outcome — and to predict that outcome — for a procedure that they have devised to solve a problem. WEB ADDRESS
EMILY KINROSS SMITH — RC Bayside Geelong Candidate for NYSF in 2017.
Emily attends Oberon HS and does all the science subjects.
She is interested in Science and looking forward to proceed past the District Selection Process in July and attend National Youth Science Forum in January at ANU Canberra.
She is a successful athlete especially in Cross-Country Running and enjoys her attendance at Venturer Scouts.
She is interested in music (playing) and photography. We wish her well at the Selections.
Alex was our NYSF candidate at ANU two years ago.
Today he is studying Electronic Communication and Computer Engineering at RMIT.
All strength to Rotary for helping start this journey.