Team Leader Telsa report to the board this month that the team has been busy preparing more kits for PNG and was happy to receive a photo from Lucy Loko of some of the young women that received their DfG kits from the last shipment that was sent.
It’s always good to see who receives those beautifully made packs and understand the difference it will make to their lives.
Also Telsa is in the process of working on the possibility of a new project for the ladies of Lese Oalai, of supplying sewing machine to start their own businesses.
The DfG working bee is held on the first Monday of the month at the St Bernard’s Clairvaux Hall in Fryers Rd Highton. Give Telsa a call if you feel like joining the team, everybody is welcome. New member this month was friend of Bayside, Diane Webb, I hear she enjoyed her day,
More information about this very important project can be found here.