Notes on the catering for the COGG Christmas celebrations held 7th December at the Geelong Arena.
As you may know this is the annual catering event undertaken by the club and is our major fundraising activity for the year.
Thanks to those members and friend who attended not only the day of the actual event serving but those who were involved in the preparations task on Thursday and Friday, especially David and Jo White Deb & Dan Furlan, Simon Empson, Peter Kavanagh and President Peter for cooking up 25kg of Beef, 25kg of Pork, 30kg of Chicken as well as salads and coleslaw.
President Peter would like to pass on the clubs appreciation to the “team” without whom we would not be able to undertake the task of is task. Telsa, John and Pam Spiteri, Darryl and Diane Web, Alaine Kavenagh, Elaine Brown, Judy Eyles and her daughter Judy and Phil Beasley, John Virgona, Brian Birch, Leanne Zanghi, Brian, Bev and Jan.
(Note: apologies if we have forgotten anyone).
Serving over 500 people at the event (and it was pleasing to get many complements on the quality of the food and service).
David White –was called out for a couple of special awards for his recent endevours with the club.
- Certificate of Appreciation for his assistance with the recent BBQ and catering activities.
- Inaugural David White Persistence award for “persistently being David”