Change Over 2016
Posted by Peter Kavenagh on Jun 21, 2016
DG JANE COX — Toast to Rotary
DG Jane requested that we reflect on the good work done by Rotary International.
It’s “Gift to the World” has addressed the problems of literacy, Hunger and polio.
PDG CHRIS SIMS — Response to Toast.
The strength of Rotary is that it is always based locally and an organisation of ordinary people doing extraordinary things and that its impact is multiplied by the number of members.
(RYES) LENA TETAUD — Rotary Youth Exchange Student from RC Marmande RD1690 — RC Bayside Geelong’s Incoming RYES Lena has been with us for twelve months and is returning to France on June 28.
Lena gave a short presentation showing photographs of her at AFL football, on visits and trips with other RYE students and her 18th Birthday at Eureka Tower.
She was seen to be indulging in all the dangerous sports near water.
He parents visited during the time and we saw photos of her family too.
Lena said she was sad to leave and excited to return.
She thanked her host families and the Club for caring for her.
Her surprising revelation was that she had dreamed of travelling to Australia for since she was 5 years old and Rotary Youth Exchange had enabled her to fulfil that dream.
PRES JUDY — Congratulations to Lena for a wonderful presentation and a wonderful year for the Club. Lena was presented with an Australian pashmina as a souvenir.
Go somewhere where no one knows you and you will know yourself.
PRESIDENT”S FAREWELL — Pres Judy summarised the Club’s work and effort for the last year. It is detailed in the President’s Report in the Club Annual Report (pp3-7) published with this edition of the Bollard.
PRESENTATIONS — Pres. Judy presented Certificates of Appreciation each of the Board Members, individual Rotarian members and Jan McGowan OAM.
PAUL HARRIS FELLOWSHIPS — awarded by the Rotary Club to PP Telsa Stubna and Peter Kavenagh. SAPHIRE PHF awarded to Brian Burch. Congratulations to all.
DISTRICT CITATION — DG Jane Cox and AG Ross Taylor. AG Ross presented the Citation to Pres. Judy on behalf of the District Committee.
JO and DAVID WHITE — exhibited their photo collection for the Rotary Year with musical soundtrack. Thank you to Jo & David for taking the photos and assembling the entertainment.
ROTARY FOUNDATION — Centurion certificates were presented to many members for their 2015-16 contributions.
Pres Judy presented the Chain of Office to incoming President Daryll Webb.
Pres Daryll thanked the Club for the honour and responsibility; he outlined his ambition in the forthcoming year to maintain the Club’s involvement in Water projects, Days for Girls, Polio eradication, the Christchurch Meals program and refugee support through Diversitat.
He also outlined the Club’s commitment to continue with the Geelong Advertiser Christmas Parcel program, the Freshwater Creek CFA, schools’ Literacy prizes, Rotary Youth Exchange and the Rotary National Youth Science Forum.
Pres Daryll Webb introduced his new board:
Vice President — Judy Beasley
Secretary — Telsa Stubna
Treasurer — David Fisher
Foundation — Jane Myers
Community — Christine Sims
Vocational — Christine Sims
International — Jane Myers
Youth — Peter Kavenagh
Membership and Fun — Jo White
President Elect — Peter Kavenagh
Public Relations — Jo White
Fundraising — John Spiteri
The Meeting reached its conclusion with Pres Daryll asking members to support the Club’s goal of
Rotary Serving Humanity