A Cultural Netball Trip to Fiji
Posted by Peter Kavenagh on Oct 20, 2015
Ebony is a year 10 student at Sacred Heart College in Newtown and resides in East Geelong with her parents.
On the 27th Sept Ebony departed with 19 other girls for Fiji on a cultural netball trip with St.Mary’s Sporting Club Netball team. Destination was not a major city but a village of 100 people in the Fijian Highlands.
Accommodation was huts with 10 girls per hut. Toilet and shower facilities were interesting.
Had to wear sulu’s which covered legs. Village grew crops fro own use.
Did lose two netball games. The Fijian Girls were very athletic.
They could jump really high and it was difficult to get the ball over them. The Fijian girls also played barefoot.
Had no power in huts, so no electronic devices.
Purpose of Exchange was:
Increase intercultural understanding through immersion in a Fijian community.
Increased understanding of the world beyond school/local community and development issues.
Contribution to another community through skill-sharing, intercultural engagement and educational resources.
Increased ability to engage responsibly in community activity through immersion in a Fijian community, support of classroom activities in the local primary school and participation in netball fixtures.
Increased awareness of ones rights and responsibilities as a global citizen.
Increased interpersonal capacity, self-awareness and critical thinking skills through challenging experiences in a remote environment.
A lengthy question and answer session followed with members asking many questions which were well answered by Ebony.